The Responsibility of Consumers
Northgate Christian edorses but does not guarantee the services of the businesses listed in this directory. Additionally, we do not assume responsibility for the performance of these businesses.
By seeing the word "Christian" in front of the description of a business, it is easy to automatically expect the highest standards, the best service, and the best possible price. Certainly, we hope that these businesses strive to live out their lives according to the teachings of Christ. However, these business owners face the same daily challenges of us all. Therefore, before you usea a business within the platform, perform the same sort of research and comparison that you would complete if you found that business from another source.
A business does not owe you a special price or a cut-throat deal simply because they are advertising in a Christian Business Directory. These businesses have thresholds of pricing that makes economical sense to them. Shop around and compare, but don't expect the impossible simply because they are shown here.
After that, if you are happy with these businesses, tell others about them.
Northgate Christian edorses but does not guarantee the services of the businesses listed in this directory. Additionally, we do not assume responsibility for the performance of these businesses.
By seeing the word "Christian" in front of the description of a business, it is easy to automatically expect the highest standards, the best service, and the best possible price. Certainly, we hope that these businesses strive to live out their lives according to the teachings of Christ. However, these business owners face the same daily challenges of us all. Therefore, before you usea a business within the platform, perform the same sort of research and comparison that you would complete if you found that business from another source.
A business does not owe you a special price or a cut-throat deal simply because they are advertising in a Christian Business Directory. These businesses have thresholds of pricing that makes economical sense to them. Shop around and compare, but don't expect the impossible simply because they are shown here.
After that, if you are happy with these businesses, tell others about them.